Bibletime Course
Bible Correspondence Course for 4-16 years old
The Bible Correspondence Course ministry has been used by God to reach many children with the Gospel. For our courses we mainly use materials developed by Bible Educational Services. Our full-colour “Bibletime” course is split into 5 levels aimed at an approximate reading age: Level 0, for children under age 5; Level 1, from ages 5-7; Level 2, from ages 8-10; Level 3, from ages 11-13; Level 4 from ages 14-16. Children who enrol will be sent a fun filled Bible lesson each month. Each lesson is divided into 4 studies so that one can be completed per week. Once the entire lesson is complete, it is posted back to our Postal Bible Club for marking and feedback. Joining our Postal Bible Club from Britain it’s absolutely free; the only cost to you is that of the stamp to return the starter lesson.
We need the permission of the parent/guardian of the child to join the Postal Bible Club. Parents should complete a separate form for each child.
If you would like further details to join our Postal Bible Club, send an email to us (steveandrachel@cefbritain.org).
We only enrol students who live in the UK.