Schools Ministry
CEF Britain’s workers have been invited into schools in Birmingham, East London, Livingston & Teesside.
In January 1994 the Department of Education issued these guidelines on Assemblies, also known as Collective Worship:-
- All maintained schools must provide religious education and daily collective worship for all registered pupils and promote their spiritual, moral and cultural development.
- Local agreed RE syllabuses for county and equivalent grant-maintained schools must in the future reflect the fact that religious traditions in the country are in the main Christian whilst taking account of the teaching and practices of other principal religions. Syllabuses must be periodically reviewed.
- Collective worship in county schools and equivalent grant-maintained schools must be wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character, though not distinctive of any particular Christian denomination.

East London
Impress provides Christian education in the classroom environment where greater collaboration can take place. Pupils have the opportunity to think through new ideas and to ask questions. The lessons are often seasonal, including Christmas and Easter. Other subjects are covered such as the Christian’s special book, the Bible (Impress brings into school over 20 Bibles in different languages). In addition, bespoke classes, from the RE curriculum, are provided, when requested by individual schools.

Teesside (Middlesbrough)

In Teesside Claudine Uwizeye was welcomed into Primary schools to present the OT MINI series of 5 lessons. OT MINI is an educational programme developed by ‘WTTB’ for use exclusively in Primary Schools. It has been specifically designed to help 9-11 year olds uncover the key features to both the Christian and Jewish faiths, explaining the grand narrative, festivals and celebrations. Each child is given an A3 foldable ‘workmap’ to help them to remember the whole storyline of the Old Testament. Through a series of five 45-60 minute sessions we locate the major geographical movements of all the key characters, and make them memorable. We connect well with audio, visual and kinaesthetic learners through storytelling, actions and drama. OT MINI is fun and gets children excited about the most amazing book of all time: the Bible.
Claudine has used her CEF and WTTB training to make the most of her God given ability to teach primary school children the truths of the Bible through stories and to make it fun.
Now that Claudine is no longer a full-time worker with CEF, we hope and pray that someone can continue the ministry she started.
Please click below for more information: www.bible.org.uk/wtb_child_events.php