We plan to update the page almost every day! cefeurope.com/hope
Hope for Europe – monthly Zoom prayer meeting on the first Wednesday of each month at 10am (Swiss time) – link will be the same each time – all CEF workers in Europe are invited to take part.
Link: us02web.zoom.us/j/81955143520
Meeting ID: 819 5514 3520
Passcode: hope
Hope for Ukraine project
We have started a European Project called Hope for Ukraine. We would like to print and distribute during the next 12-18 months:
Do You Wonder Why?
Why do so many bad things happen in the world? Why did God allow this to happen? How can I get through this terrible time? CEF has distributed millions of copies of Do You Wonder Why? booklet.
- 1,000,000 in Ukrainian
- 1,000,000 in Russian
- 3,000,000 in different languages
Please email info@cefbritain.org if you are interested in receiving / distributing these booklets.
You can find more information about the booklets on our Safe @ Home page.
100,000 Hope for Ukraine Gospel packs
We want to encourage other organizations and churches to add their own items (food, a toy, etc) to the rucksack and then send the rucksack to our workers in Ukraine for their ministry with children.
Please email info@cefbritain.org if you want to be involved in preparing the rucksacks together with churches and organizations in your country.
We will then look for ways how to transport them to Ukraine.
More details about the project can be found here:
“…for a wide door for effective work has opened…” 1 Corinthians 16:9