
We need more CEF workers in Britain!

There are 12 million children in Britain and most of them have never heard the Good News about the Lord Jesus Christ. Only 1 in 10 children in Britain will ever during their whole life go to church. In order to reach them with the Gospel and equip more Christians for this important task, we urgently need more dedicated workers who want to serve the Lord full-time, part-time or as a volunteer / tentmaker or associate worker with CEF in Britain.

Suitable applicants will be involved in organising, supervising and participating in different CEF ministries. To get an idea of what is involved please look through the “Outreach” and “Training” sections on this website. Usually applicants will need to build up their own support group. Alternatively, you can become an associate worker with CEF when you are responsible for organising the different outreach programmes to children in your church fellowship or denomination.

If you are interested in serving the Lord full-time, part-time, or as a volunteer / tentmaker or associate worker with CEF in Britain and would like to receive more information, please click here or email us and include your name, address, age, contact number and church affiliation.

One of the first steps to prepare yourself for this ministry is to attend our Children’s Ministry Leadership Course in Europe. Please visit our CMLC Course page for more information.

The importance of godly leadership

Since 2015 we have been praying for God to raise up a National Director for Britain.

  • Might you be the person or persons whom God is calling to lead the ministry of CEF in Britain?
  • Are you willing to take the gospel message to children and promote the ministry to partner churches, Bible Colleges and other Christian denomination?
  • Do you have the potential to lead, care for and develop our team of workers and volunteers?

If you think that this may be your calling, then we invite you to contact us so that together we can discern if you are the answer to our prayers.

If you are completely new to CEF, we can share the vision of how we reach children in Britain and all around the world. We can train and equip you for this vital work.