News from CEF East London

30th March 2019 | News

Just a few photos from the past couple of weeks. We’ve been busy telling the Easter Story and have been able to share Bible Stories at Messy Church. It’s been great to be able to talk about Easter at two local Nursery Schools. Next week we are in a school to take several classes and at three Toddler Groups. 🙂

Latest news

Children’s Ministry Leadership Course (CMLC)

Children’s Ministry Leadership Course (CMLC)

What a blessing it has been to serve the Lord teaching at CMLC in Sibiu, Romania. I had the pleasure of teaching on the ‘Good News Club’(GNC) subject, looking at what is a GNC, where, when and how can we start and run a GNC. We also looked at practical and interactive...

Easter Outreach at Baglan Church

Easter Outreach at Baglan Church

..............................Lots of Children, LEGO & Bouncy Castle We can hardly put our hands down because of excitement and gratitude after the two-day Easter Club with LEGO and Easter Kids Festival last week at Baglan Church. A total of 34 children came to...

Messy Church with LEGO

Messy Church with LEGO

On the 6th of April we ran a Messy church with Lego in East Birmingham organised by a few churches. There were in attendance 54 adults and around 30 children, each enjoying building the Lego, during the Bible Time the children were really participating in the program,...